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Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids

Cordillera Cantabrica (2017), klimgids

Vertical Life
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Inclusief BTW.

The Cantabrian Mountains are one of Europe's greatest and most beautiful locations for Sport Climbing. There are few areas within only 150 linear kilometers that offer such a high quantity, quality and variety of routes. This guide presents many of its amazing routes.

Sport Climbing in the Cantabrian Mountains is the only guide that is guaranteed to give you and in-depth look into this incredible place and its high-quality limestone. This work captures the knowledge and experience of the author, which is the result of more than 35 years of uninterrupted climbing practice in this territory.

This guide contains the most complete, detailed and reliable information on Sport Climbing in the Cantabrian Mountains. All you'll have do to think about is the climbing! If you really want to enjoy our sport in the Cantabrian Mountains, this is the guide for you.

Author: Alberto Boza
Languages: English, Spanish
Pages: 415
Dimensions: A5, soft cover
Weight: 800g

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